Need a custom website?

We specialize in building & maintaining custom websites tailored for your specific needs. Our websites feature SEO (search engine optimization) and can even be updated by you, if you so wish. Your website can be as simple as one-page landing site, or a multi-page interactive platform for your customer base.

Need a custom logo?

We can work together to come up with the perfect logo for your company – a logo that will turn heads and help solidify your company’s brand identity and presence. Whether it’s for a social media page or a large-format billboard, we will meet your needs with a variety of file formats and sizes.

Need a custom email address?

Having your company’s email address look something like “” does not exactly emit a sense of professionalism and could potentially limit your potential growth. We can work together to come up with your own “” email address for your company and its employees.

Need a video edited or created?

Whether you need a video created and edited for social media, television advertisements, or anywhere else, we can help you out. We can create and edit a wide variety of videos with multiple angles and transitions, openers and closers, integrated licensed music, and more.

Have a custom request?

We cover a wide variety of services and products to offer you. If you need a more custom-tailored service than what we’ve listed, please contact us with your request. If we ultimately can’t meet your exact need, we’ll work with you to get you in the right direction, at no cost to you.

How can we help you?​

Here are some ways BayouTec can help you with your digital needs.

Graphic Design​

We create and design digital graphics, logos, icons, and more, to fit your specific needs.

Web Development​

We develop your website on popular platforms like WordPress, Shopify, Square, and more.


We can create your advertising images for social media, billboards, magazine advertisementss, and more.

Social Media​

We can build your social media pages exactly how you want them to help grow your online presence.


We can create your platform of selling physical and/or digital goods on your own site or others such as Shopify.

Help & Support​​​

It’s natural for questions to come up as well as issues or changes. We are here for you when you need help.

Our Customers​

Please check out our existing clients that we’ve previously helped grow with various services as they continue to thrive.

“Amazing Designs and Quality Work!”​

Even though BayouTec, LLC doesn’t have any official reviews, this is what one will look like when we get one! We have been very pleased with BayouTec helping us through the creative process of branding our company and increasing our online presence. You won’t go wrong with them!

John Doe​


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